速報APP / 教育 / Electrical Engineering Symbols

Electrical Engineering Symbols





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Electrical Engineering Symbols(圖1)-速報App

Electrical Symbols

Electrical symbols are used to represent various electrical and electronic devices in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit. Electrical student and learner can be known about all Electrical symbols with description using this apps

See Symbols Of

-Electrical Wire

-Connected Wires

-Not Connected Wires

-SPST Toggle Switch

-SPDT Toggle Switch

-Pushbutton Switch (N.O)

-Pushbutton Switch (N.C)

-DIP Switch

-SPST Relay

-SPDT Relay


-Solder Bridge

-Earth Ground

-Chassis Ground

-Digital / Common Ground

-Resistor (IEEE)

-Resistor (IEC)

-Potentiometer (IEEE)

-Potentiometer (IEC)

-Variable Resislorl Rheostat (IEEE)

-Variable Resislorl Rheostat (IEC)

Electrical Engineering Symbols(圖2)-速報App

-Trimmer Resistor


-Photoresistor I Light dependent resistor (LDR)



-Polarized Capacitor

-Polarized Capacitor

-Variable Capacitor


-Iron Core Inductor

-Variable Inductor

-Voltage Source

-Current Source

-AC Voltage Souroe


-Battery Cell


-Controlled Voltage Souroe

-Controlled Current Source





-and others

Electrical Engineering Symbols(圖3)-速報App

hope this application can help and useful

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Electrical Engineering Symbols(圖4)-速報App